Jonesjoke Solution Relationship Linkage is a platform that build and Connect Individual for good Marriage.

Are you tired of long time dating without result, you up to marriageable age and no one is looking at you.

Unique Linkage is here to help you the way you desire it and properly  the way you get a good result in a short time .

You’ve got to meet and interact with potential partners.

Say goodbye to relationship with tears, its time to celebrate  and say  hello to meaningful connections that have the potential to last a lifetime.

This is how it works:

Create a profile ( by filling the form ) and then pay the N6,000 admin fee( converted to your currency)

Once your payment and profile is approved, we would post your profile on our platform with or without your picture ( depends on you ), and the details you have provided when creating your profile.


1. Q: How is the payment goes ?

A: Once payment

2. Why did i need to put up my picture with my profile on the Instagram page?

A: For identification but its optional, we can put just your profile as you prefer.


Jonesjoke Solution



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