Relationship Matters

Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

Written by Joke Ehioghiren

What keeps a marriage strong? One way is to occasionally compromise and show sensitivity to one another’s needs. That entails trading off who gets their way or coming up with a compromise that works for both of you.

Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

Lasting marriage is what you need at this present time. My belief is that you need the most useful and concrete message on marriage and relationship as a whole.

Recipe to a Lasting Marriage

Have you ever thought of one day, one day when they stay apart and bid farewell to their existing marriage? 

Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

If I may ask, if there is a day specified for you and your spouse to leave each other (not in death) but at the expiry date of your marriage when it’s ok before God and Man that you should leave each other.

Will you be happy on that day? will you be happily waiting for that day to come? will your attitude be – “continue your nonsense, after-all this marriage will expire on day X”?

On the other hand, will you be sad on that day and unwilling to leave each other? Will you both hope that the day will not come at all? Or will your attitude towards each other be – “I’m enjoying this relationship and I don’t want it to end”?

These two scenarios are the two sides of the same coin. I’d like to give you this new definition of marriage: Marriage is two patient or impatient people learning from each other and understanding each other till death do them part.

There are marriages that have ended up becoming violent, abusive and life-threatening. But you know what? 

The God that created the heavens and the earth in His wisdom, the God that Created marriage in His wisdom; the same God has the wisdom you need to handle the existing situation.

What I’ve said so far can mean different things to many people but the point is, nothing good comes easy. You work hard for it. A marriage journey is not “bread and butter”, it’s a kind of journey that has undulating terrains, turns and bends. 

It never goes smoothly, and yet it must last the test of time. I’m tired and I feel like going back to my base” is never allowed, it’s got to last. Just believe!



Special Ways to Show Love to Your Partner

some of the secrets for a lasting relationship.

Both parties must be dedicated to that shared future if you desire a committed relationship. Although it can be frightening, commitment is crucial. 

Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

When both partners are committed to making the relationship work, they can successfully overcome both minor issues (sharing household chores or who gets to control the TV remote) and significant problems (peeking into a partner’s email, emotional neglect, etc.), because they are focused on maintaining the relationship. 

Let’s examine some of the mysteries listed below.


Without trust, there is no relationship in the world that could sustain itself. It’s one of the most important elements of a committed partnership. 

Can you both rely on one another and depend on each other? If you said yes to these inquiries. You can develop a solid bond with your companion.

To spend a long, happy life together, however, you may want to seek professional assistance if you feel that you have problems trusting your partner.


One of the most crucial aspects of a relationship is communication. Relationships succeed when two people can speak and comprehend one another without any mental barriers.

Relationship issues may arise if you two don’t communicate as two bodies and one mind. Healthy communication between you and your partner would be beneficial because it is essential to a happy relationship.

Don’t Be Too Optimistic

There are so many things you imagined before stepping into marriage. Yes, it’s sure, I was once in your shoes. 

There are ways you have imagined how you want your home to be, the kind of spouse and what you expected from your spouse but did you know at times it doesn’t work the way you imagined it.

So when reality shows up it has been different from what you expected you’ve got to relax and work on what life gives you. Only you have the power with God on your side to get the best from your relationship.


Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

Your relationship should be the foundation for the other. Setting long-term relationship objectives together will help you achieve them.

You may need to put more effort into your relationship if your partner doesn’t rejoice in even the little victories or offers assistance when difficulties arise. The secret to a long-lasting relationship is support.

Fight for the Best

I am the kind of person that I always wish to get the best and if nature refuses to give you the best you were expecting, you can fight for it: There are so many ways you can fight.

  • You can fight for it on your knees (In prayer)
  • You can fight for it through your character and behavior. Sometimes, it’s not your spouse that needs to change; it’s you!
  • You can overcome life issues with the right attitude. CLICK HERE access the remaining ones .

Don’t Be Selfish

If you ever imagined the promise at the altar, I think it will give you the idea to always remember that you are one. So, anything you wish you want to do for yourself to make you happy, go ahead and do it for your spouse. 

However, Because you are directly dealing with yourself. So be selfish about how you treat your other self (I mean your partner).

Fight Resolution

Are You Sure You Want Your Marriage To Last -Recipe to a Lasting Marriage.

You must accept that arguments will arise in your relationship. It would be nice if you also kept in mind that you are capable of resolving every issue, though.

A lifetime partnership requires unwavering love and attention. You might need to find a therapist who can help you strengthen your relationship if you can’t work out the problems and disagreements.

Can We Take a Break from Sex?

Let me tell you one big fact: if the bedroom is the only place you feel heaven on earth, I think you’re missing the joy of marriage, it means the marriage may not last.

You don’t base your relationship on sex! Sex is good, fantastic, but there are lots to marriage which is better to develop and understand now before it is damn too late.

Be Romantic

Most times when I talk with couples about being romantic, you know what happens? Their mind goes straight to bed.

Being Romantic is when you express your deep love to someone close to you. Do you know when you wake up in the morning and you give a smile, you are romantic.

When you stop being the tiger at home and you are friendly to everybody in the family with a piece of a flower when coming from work or a little hug, it shows deep affection. You don’t wait till valentine or boxing day before you give love or gifts. And not only men can give it , women do it too.

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About the author

Joke Ehioghiren

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